Extreme obesity

Who might this be.


In profiles of woman about 700 lbs, their is one person who is seated on a bed, that has a majestic belly far out towards her feet. Now I say profiles as a number have pictures that seem to be the same person. I am interested to learn more about her if possible.

It is not, but short of reminds me of Carol Yager in size a bit.

At the top seems to be a part word immobile.
3 months

Who might this be.

I think I know who you are talking about, and I’ve been wondering the same thing.

The profiles don’t seem interested in scamming, for whatever that’s worth.
3 months

Who might this be.

I have no idea who this is. However, the photo itself reveals everything I love about extreme fatness - a generous, voluptuous body with an air of immobility. Delightful!
3 months